
5 Ways to Diversify Your Content for Greater Mileage

5 Ways to Diversify Your Content for Greater Mileage

Content in various forms has been made a priority by any business. Its creation has become a crucial factor in any organization’s online presence, expanding brand recognition, and developing new opportunities. 

With content marketing ruling supreme in digital marketing, you are probably already part of the 70 percent of people who are looking to increase their content creation. But how do you know if your content stands out in the realm of digital marketing? 

This is where content diversification comes in. It might not necessarily be about creating more. Try varying what you create instead! Here’s how:

1. Tweak it up!

If you’re serious about getting the audience boost you need, changing your content format may be the way to go. Its audiences are interested to keep coming back for more. 

Additionally, this tactic allows you to create and publicize different types of content and, in turn, reach a wider audience. Some audience members appreciate interactive activities, while others benefit from reading with images.

Try out as many formats as you can and use an analytics tool to see what your audience responds to! By understanding what they engage with the most, you will be able to create content that is perfectly tailored to their interests.

2. Don’t be a repeater.

It’s tempting to repeat content when you see the most popular with your audience (or even your competitors). Don’t fall into this cycle! 

Your audience should view you as a trusted source of information. By producing content that is too similar, you are encouraging them to turn to additional sources for new and far more exciting content. 

3. Incorporate original data. 

While using published statistics from the internet remains valuable, adding your company’s unique and reliable data instantly provides another layer of diversification. This just means that you’re following the top rule of content: putting something new into the digital world.

Creating images through graphic design and original photos also allows you and your company to create shareable content that your audience may be unable to get from any other source. Take advantage of opportunities to shoot photos whenever you can and create an exclusive infographic template that is specific to your brand colors and logos. 

4. Determine the best use for your social media.

There are popular social media channels that are used to share content and increase brand recognition. While it’s vital for businesses to be active on these platforms, it’s also important to remember that each of these channels has unique abilities in terms of reaching different audiences. 

Just because your company has these platforms doesn’t mean they should have similar themes and tone. Facebook is different from Snapchat, so Facebook content should be different from Snapchat content. Your audience should be able to visit your channels and see diverse kinds of information. Which kind is for Instagram? Which one for Twitter? Well, what works best for you?

5. Research, research, and research.

At the tips of your fingers, you have access to a wide range of data—your competitors, the latest content formats, and trending topics across the globe. Why not try spending a few minutes a day to get yourself updated on what other content is available? You may learn a thing or two about what your audience is looking for.


Your company is already creating good content, but diversifying it is how you go from good to excellent. Try the steps above and see what they can do for your brand presence, audience engagement, and business growth. 

If you’re interested in social media management services, get in touch with Nick the Marketer. We are a full-service digital marketing agency focused on lead generation through website design, SEO, PPC, and more.

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