
SEO Myths and Misconceptions

SEO Myths and Misconceptions That You Have to Let Go Of

The internet has pretty much transformed how we approach marketing and advertising. Indeed, we’ve entered the digital age where digital advertising and marketing are more important than ever before. At the heart of any digital campaign is search engine optimization (SEO). Any business, company, or brand that doesn’t make use of SEO automatically puts itself at a disadvantage.

With that being said, merely adopting SEO haphazardly also won’t do your business any good. This is why it’s a shame that many SEO myths and misconceptions are still pretty prevalent. To help remedy this, we’ve put together a list of the most common SEO myths and misconceptions that you have to let go of immediately.

You Have to Submit Your Site to Google

There’s a common misconception that sites have to be submitted to Google or other search engines. Now, there is some truth to this myth. In the early days of SEO, webmasters were required to submit their sites to search engines so that the engines could list them and evaluate how to rank them. This just isn’t the case anymore, as search engines can now find sites even if they aren’t submitted for listing.

What makes matters even worse is that some webmasters even pay services to submit their websites to search engines. This is a waste of both your time and resources and is probably a scam. If you ever receive offers like this, ignore them and block the email that it was sent from.

The Quality of Backlinks Don’t Matter

Backlinks are important, as they indicate that your site is popular and provides important information. In fact, search engines will raise your rankings if you have a lot of quality backlinks. Now, the keyword there is “quality”.

What this means is that backlinks from sites that are deemed low-quality will do close to nothing to affect your search engine rankings. Just like many things in life, backlink quality is more important than backlink quantity.

Using as Many Keywords as Possible Works

Speaking of quantity over quality, it’s also a common misconception that you should just overload your content with as many keywords as possible. This is known as keyword stuffing and will actually do more harm than good when it comes to affecting how you rank on search engines. Remember, only use keywords when they are applicable.

Web Design Doesn’t Matter

Lastly, many people assume that only the content of the site matters. This just isn’t the case. Web design actually plays a pretty significant role when it comes to your search engine rankings. 

The main thing you have to consider here is the bounce rate. If your website’s visitors end up leaving after only viewing one page, this will negatively affect your organic rankings. Now one main reason people click off is that they find your website design unengaging or difficult to understand. This is why you’ll want to invest in web design, as doing so makes your site easy to understand and navigate. This makes your visitors more likely to stay and explore your website.


When it comes to SEO, knowing what not to do is as important as the SEO best practices themselves. We hope these tips prove to be useful when it comes to helping you improve your site from an SEO perspective. Hopefully, you’ll start making changes to avoid these common myths and misconceptions so that you can further improve your site.

Nick the Marketer is a full-service digital marketing agency in Alabama that specializes in lead generation through the use of PPC, SEO, and web design strategies. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals and make sure that you stay ahead of the competition. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services.

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