
Instagram Stories & Why Your Business Should Be Using Them

Instagram Stories & Why Your Business Should Be Using Them

In the past year, Instagram stories have been drastically changing the way that we use Instagram!

What are Instagram stories?

Instagram stories is a feature within the Instagram app that allows you to post photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. The feature lets users think beyond just posting to their feed and gives you the ability to connect with your audience more regularly by posting on stories to show behind the scenes process videos, conduct market research through polls and questions, promote your services, etc.

Why is it important for my business to use Instagram Stories?

Using Instagram stories is important for your business for a few different reasons!

Promoting Your Business

One important reason for your business to use Instagram stories is to continue to promote your services. As we know, video is one of the best ways to market your business. Recording a quick video explaining a promotion you’ve got coming up, going more in depth about one of your services, and giving them a call to action is super helpful in turning your audience into leads for your business.

Gaining Trust with your Audience

Using Instagram stories gives you the opportunity to gain trust with your audience. Showing up authentically for your audience is the most important part of this. People trust real people. You can gain trust with your audience by providing value, which can be done by sharing news going on within your company/business niche, sharing how-tos, or providing entertainment. Doing these things keeps your audience coming back to your content, sharing with others, and helping your business grow.

Adding Personality to your Brand

Like we mentioned earlier, providing entertainment is a great way to engage with your audience. Providing behind the scenes content, hosting fun polls, or answering questions are just some of the ways to do this! It allows you to add a little bit of the personality behind your business and lets your audience connect with you in a different way.

Now, we know what you’re-thinking? “Okay, I think I understand, but how do you even use Instagram stories?” And that’s exactly what we’re here to help you do! However, there is SO much that goes into Instagram stories that it would be a little bit too much to consume all at once. Be sure to stay connected with us to see our upcoming blog posts, all about how to utilize Instagram stories to help grow your business!

If you have any specific questions regarding Instagram stories, let us know! (205) 610-9550

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